What We Do:
Real time in-market responses to each of your touch points – call centre, website, retail outlet, advertising etc. Mobile data capture of experiences including marketing communications. Your activities and your competitors’. Combined with in-the-moment evaluations of these experiences.
What It Involves:
Mobile surveys integrating – if required – your data warehouse and other data feeds. Option to upload photos and video footage via mobile. Engaging visualisations in a customised portal delivered direct to key people within your organisation who can action the results. Advanced modelling of the impacts on experiences in real time. Feedback portal delivers a moving picture of your campaigns, and your competitors’.
What Is Involved:
Enables adjustment of elements of marketing strategy in real time by touch point:
Challenges This Solves:
Opportunity to optimise strategy in real time. Traditional market research and continuous tracking relies on recall, which is incomplete and sometimes inaccurate. Instead, the real-time experiential tracking with mobile phone enables capture when communication is experienced and does not rely on memory.
Options For:
Large samples, very short mobile/SMS surveys. OR More qualitative in-depth supplement to traditional brand and ad tracking via our StoryLine qualitative feedback and collaboration platform.