Achieving admiration through innovations that transform people’s lives and that provide thought leadership

There are, of course, many different ways to increase a Net Promoter Score. Tracking advocacy and corporate reputation since 1999, we have observed four steps across a range of businesses.

This blog covers step 4 following three previous blog posts. Step 4 is about delivering the very highest Net Promoter Scores and strongest reputations.

At Inside Story, our observation is that Brands that generate high strategic Net Promoter Scores are brands that evoke emotion.  

The emotion engendered by brands is beyond trust, respect, or excellent customer service alone.  They are admired brands.

According to influential stakeholders (like the media, opinion leaders, and corporate partners), admired brands have superior growth prospects, are well managed, and are often more innovative.  People feel they know what the company stands for.

It is, however, the emotional aspect that differentiates them. Admired brands/companies with the highest Net Promoter Scores have something extra that makes them special. In brand terms, they have a persona often described as charismatic, attractive, or impressive. Their CEOs can sometimes seem to have a Midas touch.

Some of our observations are that admired companies are likely to:

  1. Embody success making people look up to them. Take Macquarie Bank, coined the millionaires factory. There have been some low points (the GFC), but the bank has the glow of success and a dose of the Midas touch and is also an Australian success story with a global presence (our next point).

One word on ethics.  Admired brands with the highest Net Promoter Scores are very susceptible to perceived ethical breaches. Scandals and negative ethical actions bring down companies that ride high, quickly destroying business value. Take James Hardie back when the asbestos scandal hit. The company went from icon to anathema within weeks. It has taken many years and significant restitution to rebuild some of this company’s standing.

A high Net Promoter Score comes from having a balanced scorecard: strong corporate capability perceptions based on a perception of success in all things, significantly if this success promises to transform people’s lives through innovation and is based on thought leadership that shines a light on the future.

Please contact the Liane Ringham CEO of Inside Story at [email protected] to drive more outstanding advocacy and stronger corporate reputations. Also, see our webpage on Corporate Reputation Audits.

This blog follows a series of 3 blogs covering how to drive higher strategic Net Promoter Scores.

Step 1: Eliminating service failure risks (drivers of negative Net Promoter Scores), poor value for money perceptions, and avoiding ethical breaches 

Step 2:Building market presence – growing awareness and salience through relevant investments in advertising and media 

Step 3: Building confidence in your capability through reliability

Step 4: Achieving admiration through innovations that transform people’s lives and provide thought leadership.